Evidence from Quran Majeed

Surat Furqani (Furqan)-25 Verses no. 52-59: -
The original text from the Quran Majeed is as follows: -
Verse no. 52: - Fala Tutiyal Kafiran va Jahidhum Bihi Jihaadan Kabira. (52)
Verse no. 52: - So (O Prophet) do not obey the disbelievers and strive against them with great effort with this (Quran's arguments/verses). (52)
The following is the English translation of Verses no. 53 to 59 of Quran Sharif: -
Verse no. 53: - And He is the one who made the two rivers meet. One (its water) sweet quencher of thirst, and one salty and bitter, and made a strong barrier between both.
Verse no. 54: - And it is He who created man from (a drop of) water, and then made him related by lineage (i.e., someone's son or daughter) and marriage (i.e., someone’s son-in-law, daughter-in-law). And your Lord Almighty is capable of doing everything.
Verse no. 55: - And (Kafir = infidels) worship instead of Allah those who can neither benefit them nor harm them, and the infidels have turned their backs on (turned their faces away from) their Lord.
Verse no. 56: - And (O Prophet) We have sent you to give good tidings and to warn (only about the punishment for sins).
Verse no. 57: - Say (to these people) that I do not ask you for any payment on this (Allah's order). Yes, whoever wants to find a way to reach his Lord, may do so.
Verse no. 58: - And (O Prophet) have faith in that Jinda (Chaitanya) who is never going to die and keep on describing His glory with praise and He is very aware of the sins of his men.
{Original text of Arabic language "in Roman script '' Verse no. 58: -
Va tavakkal alal hayyillaji laa yamootu va sabbih bihamadih va kafaa bihi bijunoobi ibaadih Khabira.
Surat Furqani-25 (English translation of Hindi from Quran Sharif) Verse no. 59: - He who created the skies and the earth and whatever is in between them (everything) in six days and then sat down on the throne. (That Allah is very) merciful, then inquire about him from a Baakhabar (knowledgeable, one who has full knowledge).
{The original Arabic text of Verse no. 59 in the Roman script is as follows: -
Allaji khalaqassamaavaati valarj va maa bainhuma fee sittati ayyaamin summastva allarshi ja arrahmaanu fas’al bihi Khabiran.
(Verse No. 52) the Allah, who is imparting the knowledge of Quran (Majeed and Sharif) to Hazrat Muhammad, is saying, “O Prophet! Do not listen to the disbelievers (infidels), because they do not believe in Kabir Allah. Counter them (strive against them) with great effort i.e., firmly, based on the arguments given by me in the Quran, that is, if they do not believe you that Kabir Allah only is the (Kaadir) Almighty, then do not agree with them.
From Verse no. 53 to 59, the glory of the same Kabir Allah has been described. It is said that Kabir is that Kaadir (Almighty) Allah who has created the entire universe. He created humans. Then He created their connections. Relationships are formed by His grace only. He is the one who has released different streams of salty and fresh water by His power. From the drop of water, He created man (human = man-woman). {It is said in the Sukshmved that the drop of water refers to the seeds of male-female in the form of fluid.}
Those who worship other deities and idols instead of this Allah Akbar (Supreme God Kabir), their worship is useless. Those deities can neither benefit the worshippers nor harm them. Those people are detached from the God who created them. They will have to repent after death. Make them understand, “My job is to show you the true path. I am not even taking any money from you in return for it lest you should think that this (prophet) is misleading out of selfishness. If you want, you can take the path of worship of your Supreme Lord (the Creator and Sustainer).
(The knowledge provider of Quran, again says to Prophet Muhammad that)
Verse no. 58: - And (O Prophet) have faith in that Jinda (who met you in Kaaba in the guise of a Jinda Baba, that Allah Kabir) who is never going to die (is the Immortal God) and keep describing His holy glory with praise, and that God Kabir is well acquainted with the sins of his servants, i.e., He nullifies all the sins of the true worshipper.