Excerpt from Fazail-e-Amaal (as it is article)

Fazaile Zikr

Arabic text

Valuti Kabiru va Allaaha aala maahdaakum valaa’allaakum taskoorun -1

1: That you should glorify Kabir Allah for having guided you, and so that you can be grateful to Allah Taala (God).

Fazaile Zikr Arabic text

Aalimool gaibi vasaahaadateel Kabirul mutaalu – 2

2: That Kabir Allah is the knower of all invisible and visible things; He is Supreme (the greatest) and is Majestic.

Fazaile Zikr Arabic text

Kajaalika sakhaaraahlaakoom leetukabirullaaha
aala mahaadaakoom va baseereel muhsineen -3

3: Similarly, Allah Jalla Shanuhu has made subject unto you so that you may glorify Kabir Allah, that He guided you to give good tidings (of Allah's blessings) to those who are sincere.

Fazaile Zikr Arabic text

Hayyaeeja fujeeaa’an kuloobihim kaalu a,
Maaja kaala rabbookum kalulahakka va huvalaleeyul Kabir - 6.

6: (When the angels get an order from Kabir Allah, they get terrified) so much so that when the nervousness fades away from their hearts, they ask each other, “What is the order of Kabir Parvardigar (the Nurturer of all)?” They say, “(So and so) right thing has been ordered.” Indeed, He (Kabir) is magnificent and majestic.

Fazaile Zikr Arabic text

Faa’alhukoom leelallaaheel aleeyeel Kabir – 7

7: The command belongs only to Kabir Allah, who is majestic, and of great status.

Fazaile Darood Sharif Arabic text

Allaahum-ma salli alaaruhi Muhammadin fil arvaahi allaahum-ma salli alaa ja-sa-di Muhammadin fil ajsaadi allaahum ma salli Allaa Kabir (Kabir) muhammid fil Kuboori 0

Fazaile Zikr Arabic text

5: Huzoore Aqdas Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam states that there is nobody who may recite 'La ilaha-illallah' and for whom the doors of the skies do not open. Infact, this Kalima goes straight to the (arsh) highest point in the sky, provided Kabira keeps on protecting one from sins.

F - What a great virtue it is and limit of acceptability that this Kalima goes straight to the (highest heaven) Allah’s throne and it has now become known that even if Kabira is recited with sins, at that time also, it is not without benefit.

Mulla Ali Qari Rah0 states that the condition to save oneself from Kabaair depends on the quickness of one’s acceptance, and the faith that the doors of the heaven will open. Otherwise, one is not without reward and acceptance even with Kabaair.

Baaj Ulema has narrated the meaning of this Hadith that after the death of such a person, all the doors of the sky will open in the honor of his soul.

It is mentioned in one Hadith, there are two such Kalimas that, for one of them there is no destination below the (Arsh) highest sky.' The second fills the sky and the earth (with its light or reward) –

  • First 'La ilaha illallah',
  • Second 'Allahu Akbar (Supreme God Kabir)

Fazaile Zikr Arabic text

Subhaanallaahi alhamdu lillaahi Allaahu Akbaru (Kabir)

Fazaile Darood Sharif

Arabic text

Man salla alaa ruhi muhammadin fil arvaahi va ala-ja-s
dihi fil ajsaadi va alaa Kabir (Kabir) hi fil kuboori 0

Arabic text

Va innhaalkabirtunilla alal khashileen a llajeen yajunnoon
anhuma mulaaku ragibahimav anhuma ilaihi raajioon

(Excerpt from Fazaile Amaal ends)

Other evidence: - The giver of the knowledge of Quran has mentioned about the Creator of the universe who is other than him, which is as follows: -

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