Evidence of Creation of Nature in Holy Shiv Mahapuran

Birth of Vishnu, Brahma and Shiv from Kaal-Brahm and Durga

In its evidence in Holy Shri Shiv Purana, published from Gita Press Gorakhpur, translator Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar, Chapter 6 Rudra Sanhita on page no. 100, it is said that –

ParBrahm, who is without a bodily form, God SadaShiv is his bodily form only. A Shakti came out of his body. That Shakti became known as Ambika, Prakriti (Durga), Tridev Janni/Mother of the three (the mother who gives birth to Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu and Shri Shiv), who has eight arms. He, who is SadaShiv, is also called Shiv, Shambhu and Maheshwar. (On page no. 101) He smears ash on all of his body parts. That Kaal-form Brahm built an area named Shivlok. Then they both behaved like husband-wife; as a result of which, a son was born. They kept his name Vishnu (on page no. 102).

Then in Rudra Samhita Chapter no. 7, on page no. 103, Brahma said that – Even I was born from the union, that is, by the act of husband-wife of God SadaShiv (Brahm-Kaal) and Prakriti (Durga). Then I was made unconscious.

Then in Rudra Samhita, Chapter no. 9, on page no. 110, it has been said that – In this way Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra, these three Gods have gunas (qualities), but Shiv (Kaal-Brahm) is considered to be beyond the gunas.

Here four have been proved; that is,

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv have originated from SadaShiv (Kaal-Brahm) and Prakriti (Durga) only. The mother of the three gods (Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu and Shri Shiv ji) is Shri Durga and father is Shri Jyoti Niranjan (Brahm).

These three gods only are Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu and Tamgun-Shiv.

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