How were the Souls Caught in Kaal’s Trap?

Important: - When Brahm (Jyoti Niranjan) was meditating, we all souls, who now live in Jyoti Niranjan’s twenty-one brahmands, got attracted towards his meditation and started loving him from the core. We turned away from our happiness-giving God. As a result of which, we failed in our loyalty towards our Master. Even on being repeatedly warned by the Supreme God, we did not get distracted from Kshar Purush.

{This effect is present even today in the creation of Kaal. Like young children get attracted towards the fake acts of filmstars (actors and actresses) and the role played by them for their living. They do not even stop on being restrained. If any actor or actress comes in a nearby city, then see how a huge crowd of those foolish youngsters gathers there just to have a glimpse of them; when they have nothing to do with them. Actors are earning their livelihood, and youngsters are getting ruined. No matter how much their parents may try to discourage them, but the children do not pay heed and keep going somewhere sometime secretively}.

Purna Brahm KavirDev (God Kabir) asked Kshar Purush, “Tell me, what you want.” Kshar Purush said, “Father, this place is insufficient for me. Kindly grant me a separate dweep (island)”. Hakka Kabir (Sat Kabir) gave him 21 (twenty-one) brahmands. After some time, Jyoti Niranjan thought that some construction should be done in it. What is the use of vacant brahmands (plots)? Thinking this, he meditated for 70 yugas and requested Supreme God KavirDev (God Kabir) for some construction material. SatPurush gave him three qualities and five elements with which Brahm (Jyoti Niranjan) did some construction in his brahmands. Then he thought that there should also be some souls in these brahmands, as I feel lonesome. With this intention, he again meditated for 64 (sixty-four) yugas. On being asked by Supreme God Kavir Dev, he said that – ‘Give me some souls, I feel very lonely here.’ Then SatPurush Kaviragni (Supreme God Kabir) said, “Brahm, I can give you more brahmands in return for your Tap (meditation), but cannot give you My souls in return for any Jap -Tap . Yes, if any of the souls wants to go willingly with you, then one can go. On hearing Yuva Kavir’s (Almighty Kabir) words, Jyoti Niranjan came to us. We all hans-souls were already attracted towards him. We surrounded him. Jyoti Niranjan said, “I have obtained 21 separate brahmands from Father. There, I have built several luring places. Will you come with me?” We all souls who are today suffering in these 21 brahmands said that we are ready, if Father permits. Then Kshar Purush went to Complete God Mahan Kavir (Almighty Kabir God) and told Him everything. Then Kaviragni (Supreme God Kabir) said that I will allow those who will give consent in front of me. Kshar Purush and Param Akshar Purush (Kaviramitauja – Kavir Amit Auja, that is, whose power is limitless, that Kabir) both came to all of us hans-souls. Sat KavirDev said that whichever soul wants to go with Brahm should give his consent by raising his hand. Nobody dared in front of Father. Nobody gave consent. There was pin drop silence for a long time. Thereafter, one soul dared and said, “Father, I want to go”. And then in imitation of him, all of us souls [who are now trapped in Kaal’s (Brahm’s) 21 brahmands] gave consent too. Supreme God Kabir told Jyoti Niranjan that – ‘You go to your place. I will send all those souls, who have given consent to go with you, to you.’ Jyoti Niranjan went to his 21 brahmands. Till then, these 21 brahmands were in Satlok only.

Later, Purna Brahm (Complete God) gave a girl’s appearance to the soul who gave the first consent, but did not create any female genitals. He inserted all the souls (who had consented to go with Jyoti Niranjan/Brahm) in that girl’s body and named her Ashtra (Aadi Maya / Prakriti Devi / Durga), and said that – ‘Daughter, I have granted you ‘word-power’ (shabd shakti). You may produce as many living beings as Brahm says.’ Purna Brahm KavirDev (God Kabir) sent Prakriti Devi to Kshar Purush through His son Sahaj Das. Sahaj Das told Jyoti Niranjan that – ‘Father has inserted all those souls who had consented to go with you in this sister’s body and has granted ‘word’ power to her. Prakriti will produce as many living beings as you want with her word (shabd).’ After saying this Sahaj Das returned to his island.

The girl, being young, looked beautiful. Sexual desires arose in Brahm and he started misbehaving with Prakriti Devi . Durga said that – ‘Jyoti Niranjan, I have the power of word, granted by Father. I will produce as many living beings as you will say. Please do not start the custom of intercourse. You have also originated from the same Father’s word, from an egg, and I have also originated from that same Supreme Father’s word after that. You are my elder brother. This act between a brother and a sister will lead to a heinous sin. But Jyoti Niranjan ignored all appeals of Prakriti Devi and by his word-power made female genitals on her body with his nails and tried to rape her. Immediately, Durga, in order to save her honour, and finding no other way out, made a miniature form of her and via Jyoti Niranjan’s opened mouth, entered into his stomach. From there, she requested Purna Brahm Kavir Dev to save her.

Instantly, KavirDev (Kavir Dev / God Kabir), acquiring the appearance of His own son Yog Santayan alias Jogjit, appeared there, took the girl out of Brahm’s stomach and said that – ‘Jyoti Niranjan, from now on you will be called ‘Kaal’. You will have births and deaths and therefore, your name will be Kshar Purush . You will eat one-lakh human beings and produce a lakh and a quarter daily. Both of you, along with the 21 brahmands, are expelled from here. Immediately, 21 brahmands started moving from there like an aircraft. They passed Sahaj Das’s dweep and stopped at a distance of 16 sankh Kos {one Kos is approximately 3 k.m.s; 1 sankh = one hundred quadrillion; so, 16 sankh kos = 4800 quadrillion k.m.s} from Satlok.


Special description: - Until now there has been a description of three powers.

  1. Purna Brahm (Complete God) who is also known by other similar names, like SatPurush, AkaalPurush, Shabd Swaroopi Ram, Param Akshar Brahm/Purush etc. This Purna Brahm is the Master of infinite brahmands (universes) and is immortal in reality.

  2. ParBrahm, who is also known as Akshar Purush. He is not immortal in reality. He is the master of seven sankh (700 quadrillion) brahmands.

  3. Brahm, who is known by Jyoti Niranjan, Kaal, Kael, Kshar Purush and Dharmrai etc names. He is the master of only twenty-one brahmands. Further, a description of the creation of one brahmand of this Brahm (Kaal) will be given, in which you will read three more names – Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv.

Difference between Brahm and Brahma

After creating three secret places in one brahmand’s highest place, Brahm (Kshar Purush) himself resides there in Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv form, and with the cooperation of his wife Prakriti (Durga), gives rise to three sons. He keeps their names also as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv only. Brahma, who is the son of Brahm, is the minister (master) of Rajgun department in only three loks (Earth, Heaven, and Nether World) in one brahmand. He is called Trilokiye (of the three loks) Brahma. And Brahm, who lives in Brahmlok in Brahma-form, is called MahaBrahma and Brahmlokiye (Brahma of Brahm lok) Brahma. This Brahm (Kaal) is also called SadaShiv, MahaShiv, and MahaVishnu.

Evidence in Shri Vishnu Puran

Part-4, Chapter 1 on Page 230-231 Shri Brahma ji said - The Unborn, All-containing, Ordainer Supreme God whose beginning, middle, end, form, nature and essence we are unable to know. (Verse 83)

Who by acquiring my form, creates the world; at the time of preservation who is in the form of Purush, and who in Rudra form swallows the world; he holds the entire universe with an endless form. (Verse 86)

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