First (Divya MahaPralay) Divine Great Dissolution

When one hundred (100) Brahmlokiye Shiv (Kaal-Brahm) die, then the living beings of 20 brahmands built in the four Mahabrahmands are destroyed.

There is creation only in one Mahabrahmand. When there is (Pralay) destruction in one Mahabrahmand, then creation begins in the other Mahabrahmand. In the end, there is (Pralay) destruction in the 20 brahmands of all the four Mahabrahmands.

Then Kaal Brahm keeps the (hansaatmas) virtuous beings of all the four Mahabrahmands in the fake Satyalok etc. loks (worlds) built in the twenty-first brahmand, and puts other beings unconscious in the other four secret places built in the same world. At that time, he satisfies his hunger by eating the living beings from the same fake Satyalok. He makes the living beings that he eats daily unconscious and keeps putting them in the four secret places built in the same twenty-first brahmand. There also Jyoti Niranjan assumes his three forms (MahaBrahma, MahaVishnu and MahaShiv) and continues to perform the divine act of his birth and death in the form of Shiv formed there, thereby keeping the time fixed and attains death a hundred times, due to which the duration of one hundred yugas of ParBrahm is completed in the twenty-first brahmand. After that, he commences the work of creation within the four Mahabrahmands. {In that one creation, the creation lasts till the age of hundred Brahmlokiye Shiv (Kaal) i.e., one hundred yugas/eras of ParBrahm, and for the same time there is (Pralay) dissolution; that is, the sequence of one Divya MahaPralay (Divine Great Dissolution) which is performed by Kaal is completed in two hundred yugas/eras of ParBrahm (because in one Yug of ParBrahm, one Brahmalokiye Shiv i.e., Kaal dies).} This Kaal i.e., Brahm is called the First Avyakt (in Gita Chapter 7 Verses 24-25). The Second Avyakt is ParBrahm and even beyond this, another Sanatan (Eternal) Avyakt is Purna Brahm (Supreme God); understand this to be the meaning of Gita Chapter 8 Verse 20.

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