Nothing is impossible for God

Two noble souls were performing their spiritual practices in a forest outside a city. One had been doing his spiritual practice, after leaving home, for forty years. The other one had been doing his spiritual practice only for the past two years. An angel from the court of God used to spend some time every day with those two worshippers. The ashrams of both the worshippers were in the forest to the east and west of the village. The elder Mahatma's place was in the west and the younger one’s place was to the east of the village.
Every day the angel used to discuss about God with both of them for an hour. Both the Mahatmas used to have a good time. One day, the angel said to Lord Vishnu, “Lord, two supreme devotees of yours live outside Kapila city.” Lord Vishnu said, “One of them is a supreme devotee, and the other one is fake.” The angel thought that the mahatma who has been doing spiritual practice for forty years must be the staunch devotee because he has a long beard and long dreadlocks (hair) on his head, and forty years is also a long time. The angel said, “O Lord, the one who has been worshipping you for forty years must be the ultimate devotee.”
Lord said, “No, the other one who has been engaged in spiritual practice for two years.” Lord said, “Angel! Did you not believe what I said?” The angel said, “Lord, that is not the case, but my insignificant intellect believes that even the older Mahatma is a good devotee.” Shri Vishnu ji said, “Go to the earth late tomorrow. Both will ask the reason of your late arrival, then tell them that today the Lord had to pass an elephant through the eye (hole) of a needle. I have come after seeing that (Leela) divine act. Hence, I am late. From their answers, you will also find out who the supreme devotee is?” Earlier, every day the angel used to go to the elder devotee at around 8am and to the younger one at around 10am. The next day, the angel reached the elder devotee at 12pm. When he asked the reason for his late arrival, the angel said, “Today at 11:30am, Lord had to perform a (leela) divine act. I have come after watching it.” The devotee, who had been doing spiritual practice for forty years, asked him, “What (leela) divine act did the Lord perform? Please tell me.” The angel said, “Shri Vishnu ji performed a miracle. He passed an elephant through the eye (hole) of a needle.” Hearing this, the elder devotee said, “Angel! Tell such a lie that a person who hears it can believe it. How can an elephant pass through the hole of a needle? Show it in front of me.” The angel understood that God was telling the truth. He is not a devotee, but an animal. He does not even believe in God that He is Omnipotent. God can do what man cannot. This devotee’s devotion is futile and spurious. Bidding him farewell, the angel departed and came to the younger devotee. When the younger devotee asked the reason for his late arrival, the angel hesitantly told him the reason lest the younger devotee should say something foul. He said, “O Devotee, what can I say? God performed a miracle, a wonder. I was spellbound on seeing it. God passed an elephant through the eye (hole) of a needle.” Hearing this, the younger devotee said, “What is there to be surprised about in this? God can pass the whole earth through the eye of a needle, let alone an elephant.” The angel embraced the younger devotee and said, “Blessed are your parents from whom you are born. I salute your unshakable faith in God.”
A devotee should have full faith in God that God can do whatever He wishes.