Evidence of Creation of Nature in Bible and Quran Sharif

Its evidence is also present in Holy Bible and Holy Quran Sharif.

In Quran Sharif, there is also knowledge of Holy Bible; therefore, these two scriptures have together proved who the Creator of universe is, what is He like, and what is His real name?

Holy Bible (Genesis, on page no. 2, Chapter 1:20 & 2:5)

Sixth Day: - Creatures and Man:

After creating the other creatures, 26. Then God said, “Let us make man in our own image, in our likeness, who will rule over all the creatures. 27. Then, God created man in His own image, in His own image God created him; He created human beings as male and female.

  1. God has given human beings, every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it, as food. (He has not allowed them to eat meat.)

Seventh day: - Day of Rest.

God created the entire nature in six days and took rest on the seventh day. Holy Bible has proved that God has a man-like visible body, who created the entire nature in six days and then took rest.

Holy Quran Sharif (Surat Furqani 25, Aayat no. 52, 58, 59)

Aayat 52:- Fala tutiyal- kafiran va jahidahum bihi jihaadan Kabira (Kabiran) ||52||

This means that Hazrat Muhammad’s Khuda (God) is saying that O Prophet! Do not listen to the kafir (disbelievers, who instead of worshipping one God, worship other gods–goddesses and idols etc) because those people do not consider Kabir to be the Complete God. Remain firm on the basis of this knowledge of Quran given by me that, Kabir only is the Supreme God, and struggle (Do Not Fight), that is, i.e., remain firm for Allah Kabir.

Aayat 58: - Va tavakkal alal- harulliji la yamutu va sabbih bihmdihi va kafaa bihi bijunoobi ibadihi Khabira (Kabira) ||58||

It means that whom Prophet Muhammad regards as his God, that Allah (God) is referring to some other Complete God that – O Prophet! Have faith in that God Kabir, who met you in the form of a Jinda Mahatma . He is never going to die, that is, He is eternal in reality.

And celebrate His sacred glory with praise; that Kabir Allah (God Kabir/ KavirDev) is worthy of being worshipped and is the destroyer of all the sins of His worshippers.

Aayat 59: - Allji khalakassmaavaati valarj va ma bainhuma fi sittati ayyaamin summastwa alalarshi arrhmaanu fsal bihi Khabiran (Kabiran) ||59||

Its meaning is that the God (Allah), who is narrating Quran Sharif, is telling Prophet Muhammad that – He is the same God Kabir, who created the entire nature, whatever is between the Earth and the Sky, in six days, and on the seventh day, sat on the throne in His Satlok above. Ask a (Baakhabar – one who is fully acquainted with Him) Tatvdarshi Saint for the information about Him.

To know about the real knowledge of that Complete God and how one can attain Him, ask a Tatvdarshi Saint (Baakhabar); I do not know.

The Holy Scriptures of both the above-mentioned religions (Christianity and Islam) have also jointly proved that the Creator of the entire nature, the Destroyer of all sins, the Almighty, Eternal God is in visible human-like form and resides in Satlok. His name is Kabir, and is also called ‘Allahu Akbiru’.

Respected Dharm Das asked worshipable God Kabir that – O Almighty! To date, no one ever gave this Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge). Even the connoisseurs of the Vedas did not tell anything. It proves that the four Holy Vedas and the four Holy Kateb (Quran Sharif etc) are fallacious. Complete God said: - Kabir, bed kateb jhoothe nahin bhaai, jhoothe hain jo samjhe nahin |

It means that the four Vedas (Rigved – Atharvaved – Yajurved – Samved) and the four Holy Kateb (Quran Sharif – Zaboor – Taurat – Injil) are not wrong. But those who could not comprehend them are ignorant.

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