Three Deities in Christianity and Islam

“The Followers of Holy Christianity and Muslim Religion are Also Benefitted and Harmed According to Their Deeds by Three Deities (Shri Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv)"

God, after creating Hazrat Adam, his wife Eve and other living beings and all the universes, handed them over to the Lord who is the speaker of the Quran and the Bible. The Book of Genesis of the Bible also proves that God is like man because God made man like Himself, and the description of the period after the seven days is of the acts of the giver of knowledge of the Quran Sharif and Bible (Kaal / Jyoti Niranjan). It is written in the Holy Bible that 'Then the Yehova Lord said, “The man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. Therefore now, lest he pluck with outstretched hands and eat the fruit from the tree of life and live forever”. The Lord banished him from the Garden of Eden.

It has also been proved from the above description that there is also someone else like the Lord of Adam, and he is corporeal. That is why, he has said that after eating the fruit of the tree, which gives knowledge of good and bad to a man, he has become like one of us. Because it is written in the Book of Genesis of the Bible that when Adam plucked and ate the fruit containing the knowledge of good and bad, he realised that he was naked. The Yehova Lord came walking. He called out to Adam, “Where are you?” Then Adam said, “I have hidden after hearing your voice, because I am naked.” Then the Lord made leather tunics (clothes) for Adam and his wife Eve.

Please ponder, it is self-evident from the above description that the Complete God is also in the form of a human being and other smaller gods are also corporeal like men, whom the people of Holy Christianity and Holy Muslim religion consider formless. In reality, the Supreme God and other gods are corporeal like man, and there are more than one God. This has also been proved from the Bible.

Because Kaal Brahm himself does not appear before anyone, he has regulated the work in one brahmand via his three sons (Rajgun Brahma ji, Satgun Vishnu ji, Tamgun Shiv ji). Hazrat Adam ji is an incarnation of Lord Brahma. Shri Brahma ji had misled Hazrat Adam; he only had expelled him from there. That is why, it has been said that by eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and bad, Adam has become like one of us. Because Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are the three gods. Regarding the incarnation of Hazrat Isa (Jesus), it is written in the Holy Bible that the Lord God had sent his son to end the growing sin on earth because Hazrat Isa was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Some divine soul from Vishnu Lok was born from the womb of Maryam after she was impregnated by an Angel (deity).

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